About Trent

I'm running for trustee because I believe in our town and I'm optimistic about our future. And I believe that families and community matter! Since I moved here in 1999, I have not been as excited as I am now for what is ahead for Firestone.

I am running because I want to be part of the change. I do not agree with everything happening today at Town Hall. I don't think that going in and starting over is the right answer, but I do think partnering with town staff, and other elected officials is a great start.

I want to bring back integrity to elected officials.  This is my town too. I want to be proud that those representing my family and this community are leaders who hold themselves, and each other accountable.  It is not acceptable to hide, or lie. Transparency is key! 

As your trustee, I know we won't always agree on everything. But when that happens I'll try to work things out with my other Board members and the staff. Not trash them, or take to social media asking neighbors to take sides. 

Notes from Around the community